Environmental News Archive

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South West CDC uses art, business and technology to educate residents on recycling

By S Ramesh, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 19 November 2006 1954 hrs

SINGAPORE: South West CDC is looking at educating its residents about recycling and public health by disseminating messages through art, business and technology.

The aim is to enhance the outreach of environmental programmes.

Clean and Green Week at the CDC moved away from the traditional tree-planting to an event at a shopping mall.

One highlight was the first-of-its-kind Rubbish Bin Art Competition, where 300 students signed up to create the most colourful rubbish bins in the district.

The CDC plans to place these bins all around the district.

There was also a flea market for students to set up stalls related to the clean and green theme.

Dr Amy Khor, Mayor of South West CDC, says: "Recently, NEA noted that of all the litterbugs that were caught this year, more than half were aged below 30. That is one of the reasons why we want to augment whatever the Ministry is already doing in terms of its anti-littering message effort, reinforce it within the South West district through events such as this." - CNA/so