Environmental News Archive

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Magazines Go Green

March 12, 2007
The Electronic New Paper

SOME sports fans may soon know as much about global warming as they know about women's swimwear.

Sports Illustrated is telling readers this week how a warming world will change the state of play.

The American male's favourite read is just one of many US magazines featuring global warming on their covers.

Elle, Outside Magazine and The Atlantic Monthly will also focus on the subject in the coming weeks.

The Sports Illustrated cover shows shows baseball pitcher Dontrelle Willis standing in a flooded stadium (above).

As oceans get warmer and ice caps melt, the seas will rise and coastal areas will 'eventually be underwater', the magazine says.

Adventure sports magazine Outside features not a mountain climber but a politician on its April cover - Arnold Schwarzenegger, the actor-turned-governor who has championed a pioneering global warming law.

Fashion magazine Elle has invited Hollywood environmental activist and Inconvenient Truth producer Laurie David to be guest editor again for its second annual green issue in May.
- Reuters.

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